Become a Rosy Red Grower
Pigmented fruits have a high market value and now Rosy Red Valencia is catching the attention of buyers and consumers. You can be among the first to plant this beautiful new variety, which grows just like a traditional valencia orange but with the added value of a rosy blush. There are now 10,000 trees at TreeSource Nursery available for purchase and planting right away.
Secure your Rosy Red trees today!
Commercial growers, secure your Rosy Red trees ASAP. Contact Nancy Lange to view the commercial grove and discuss and sign the Rosy Red grower contract. Then Nancy will help fascilitate your tree contract order with Lloyd Cassidy at TreeSource Citrus Nursery.
Benefits of pink citrus
We have a decade of data about how the tree grows. Fruit flavor and juice color has been tested and recorded since the original test trees. Commercial lab values for sugar, acid, lycopene, beta-carotene, and other chemical components have been tested multiple times. The presence of anti-oxidants lycopene and beta-carotene set the Rosy Red apart from orange-fleshed citrus fruits.
Inventory available
An inventory of 10,000 trees on Trifoliate (Rich 16) or Carrizo rootstock is available for planting by growers in spring/summer 2024. Contact Nancy for more information and she can help coordinate your order. TreeSource Citrus Nursery is the only nursery that sells the Rosy Red trees. Watch our video.
Stats on the harvest
The second commercial harvest of Rosy Red took place on April 30, 2024. On this day, 110 tons were picked and packed into both fancy and choice boxes—more than three times the fruit quantity as the July 2023 harvest. This dramatic increase in volume shows that the Rosy Red is a very productive tree. In 2025, the volume of fruit should increase even further as more acres are coming into commercial production.
Meet a few Rosy Red growers
Nancy Lange with Farm Manager Mitch Reynolds
Patrick Hutcheson
Daniel Espinosa
Kevin Howard